Scientific research
Ground-based Optical Systems
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From 80 mm to 1.5 m, Officina Stellare’s optical systems are deployed across laboratory, ground, aerospace, and space environments and serve the fields of Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Scientific Research.
Our extensive in-house manufacturing capabilities and engineering expertise allow us to meet our customers’ unique needs with both commercial and bespoke optical systems.
Whether based on a Ritchey–Chrétien optical layout or our exclusive RiDK, RiFast, and RH Veloce designs, we offer solutions ranging from f/3 to f/10.
Our wide-ranging capabilities include:
- Telescopes and astrographs up to 1.2 m
- Ruggedized and sealed optical systems for high reliability, thermally demanding, and high-speed applications such as weapons range, video tracking, and marine applications
- Fully remotely controlled optical ground stations (OGS) and high-speed pointing/tracking platforms for Space Situational Awareness and Traffic Management applications
Balloon-borne 500 mm UV-NIR Telescope
Officina Stellare confirms its opto-mechanical capabilities with a complex high engineering Project, destined to innovate the world of research in the high atmosphere.
The telescope installed on board of SuperBIT – Super-pressure Balloon-borne Imaging Telescope, is designed for observation in the visible and ultraviolet spectral ranges and it is the result of the collaboration between Officina Stellare and the Universities of Princeton and Toronto.
The mission consisted in validating the performance of a sophisticated “flying” platform, developed by the #SuperBIT team, capable of revolutionizing future astronomical research activities from the privileged high atmosphere environment.
Research, innovation, cutting-edge technology and engineering skillsets have this project a real success.
Telescope for Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays detection
Terzina is part of the NUSES space mission that will detect Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) through the Cherenkov light emission from the extensive air showers (EAS) created in the Earth’s atmosphere. NUSES is funded by the Italian Government and the Italian Minister for Economic Development.
Specifically, Officina Stellare is in charge of the design and manufacturing of the demanding telescope. Officina Stellare will also perform the payload integration at its premises, together with the final payload calibration test activities. The focal plane assembly will be manufactured by Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI) and INFN.
The project is now entering CDR phase and delivery is expected by the May 2025.
1m Wide Field Mufara Telescope
The WMT, placed on top of the Mufara Mount (1865mt asl), inside the Madonie Natural reserve in Sicily, will be one of the most advanced telescopes operating in Italy.
One meter in diameter, f/2.15 focal ratio, the prime focus equipped with a large 5-lens corrector, (the largest lense with a diameter of 33 cm and a curvature close to f/0.8), a sophisticated derotation system and an innovative automated filter slider capable to accommodate 150 mm side filters and an imaging system based on a cryogenic camera measuring over 90 square centimeters and 100 Mpixel, placed at the top of current technology: this is, in short, the #WMT, Wide Field Mufara Telescope.
The #WMT was entirely designed, built and integrated by #OfficinaStellareSpA for modern wide-field astronomical surveys, for the identification of potentially dangerous NEOs (Near Earth Objects), for Space Situational Awareness programs (tracking of satellites and the ” space debris “) and more generally for the research applications of the so-called “transient”phenomena.