Home » SPACE & GROUND APPLICATIONS » Earth Observation
Earth Observation is one of the building blocks of modern Space Economy. The availability of high-resolution multi or hyper-spectral satellite images from orbit, consent operators to gather a wide range of information and data, including data for modern defense, businesses, environmental monitoring, enabling organizations to track daily changes on the Earth’s surface with sub-meter resolutions.

Sub-meter resolution on ground

Sub-meter resolution on ground
The sector of satellites for Earth Observation (EO, Earth Observation) is a consolidated reality in the space scenario nowadays: in fact, these instruments are equipped with increasing reliability and cutting-edge technologies, so to allow their use in a vast range of applications and services. Modern multi-mission platforms offer, on one side a rapid ability to embark technologies for in-orbit demonstration by exploiting low-cost launch opportunities; on the other, they contribute to enabling new mission concepts, also in collaboration or in support of larger ‘traditional’ satellites.
High-resolution orbiting optical systems (sub-meter resolution) can therefore efficiently serve a variety of civil applications, vital for national security interests, economic growth and operational independence.
In the field of Earth Observation, Officina Stellare nurtures the trust of its partners and clients with viable and effective solutions, thanks to a full in-house TRL-9 expertise. From single optical components up to fully integrated payloads, we can meet the needs of institutional commercial satellite applications and operators.
Success was achieved also through the space qualification of new materials and processes that enabled access to new cost effective solutions and opportunities.
Officina Stellare offers full Prime Contractor capabilities for Electro-Optical Space Payloads (telescope and focal plane instrumentation).
Orbital imaging satellites constellation
Since 2016 Officina Stellare serves Satellogic, one of the world’s leading Satellite Companies active in the Geospatial Analytics commercial sector, through the supply of the telescopes for their multispectral high resolution optical payloads, operating in the visible and near infrared wavelengths, intended for low orbit (LEO) Earth Observation applications.
Thanks to the contribution of Officina Stellare’s optical systems, Satellogic’s orbital imaging satellites form the basis of an infrastructure used to supply a wide spectrum of services related to Earth Observation based on high quality geo-spatial data, which will be essential to deliver an accurate and agile worldwide service that supports customer initiatives.
The high-resolution images obtained by the space telescopes designed, manufactured, integrated and tested by Officina Stellare guarantee a GSD (Ground Sampling Distance) of 0.7 meter approximately, helping Satellogic to achieve its critical goal: to guarantee greater access to high-resolution, high-frequency satellite imagery and geospatial information enabling worldwide decision-makers in a cost-effective way.
Multispectral optical payload
The EarthNext mission project is funded by the Italian Space Agency and falls within the ALCOR program. EarthNext will operate a 16U CubeSat for Earth Observation in the Very Low Earth Orbit (VLEO) using an extremely compact multispectral optical payload, for imaging applications, and an on-board electrical propulsion system, for drag compensation.
Officina Stellare acts both as Prime Contractor and supplier of the innovative on-board multispectral optical payload and is responsible for the integration of the entire satellite, which sees the fundamental technical contributions of five other partners: the University of Naples “Federico II”, T4I, AIKO, TSD Space and Planetek.
The contract so far includes the definition of technical requirements at all levels, the preliminary design of the selected system architecture as well as the feasibility demonstration of key enabling technologies, through the development of five breadboard models, to mitigate risks thus aiding the expected developments in the next project phases.
High-resolution multispectral telescopes
Officina Stellare is also involved in the supply of the first lot of a series of space telescopes for the high-resolution multispectral mission for Earth Observation in low orbit, which will make up the Italian satellite constellation “IRIDE”, one of the most important European Earth Observation satellite space programs. The constellation, realized on the initiative of the Italian Government thanks to the resources of the PNRR, will be managed by the European Space Agency (ESA), with the support of the Italian Space Agency (ASI).
IRIDE is a one-of-a-kind end-to-end system made up of a set of sub-constellations of LEO satellites, the operational ground infrastructure and services intended for the Italian Public Administration. Being based on a number of different sensing instruments and technologies, the IRIDE constellation will be unique in its kind, so that it can be considered “a constellation of constellations”.
Specifically, IRIDE sub-constellations provide operational payloads with various space resolutions sensitive to different bands of the electromagnetic spectrum, ranging from microwave radar imaging to optical imaging, both in multispectral and hyperspectral modes, covering a spectrum of wavelengths ranging from visual to thermal infrared.
High end optical payloads
Officina Stellare plays a key role in the Italian Space Agency PLATiNO program. In recent years, the Italian Space Agency (ASI) has leveraged on the opportunities offered by small satellites to the development of space missions.
The High Technology Space Platforms “PLATiNO” foster the Italian industry leadership and capabilities in the field of small modular multi-mission platforms, enabling the deployment of a whole range of scientific systems and applications for LEO orbit missions.
The PLATiNO 3 e PLATiNO 4 missions encompass the development and fabrication of two high end optical payloads for Earth Observation applications, both under the responsibility of Leonardo. The space telescopes developed by Officina Stellare will be integrated into the PLATiNO3 Very-High Resolution (VHR) compact multispectral optical system and in PLATiNO4 high-resolution hyperspectral payload.
The goal of these missions is to provide highly detailed spatial and spectral images of the Earth’s surface using innovative and compact instrumentation, not only supporting the study and monitoring of the environment as well as advancements in the development of Earth Observation applications, but also to complement future ASI optical missions.