Optical systems as precision assets for the Defense Industry
The know-how gained in Research and Development of scientific instrumentation has enabled Officina Stellare to deliver high-tech optical systems for the Defense industry and specifically for high-speed video-tracking infrastructures at strategic test facilities.

Officina Stellare has long been a qualified supplier of optical systems for the Defense industry.
These systems are employed in testing facilities to provide the flight behavior of supersonic targets through very high frame rate videos.
They are extremely precise measuring and calibration instruments, having on one hand a very high optical quality and on the other, a mechanical stiffness capable to survive high dynamic stresses.
This type of instrumentation has multiple uses, from the most classic products used for the characterization and development of ballistic targets, to the most modern applications related to safety and Direct Energy technologies.
Photosonic inc. - MITS
Multispectral Imaging and Tracking System
Officina Stellare will supply a large number of short- and long-range telescopes, operating both in the visible and infrared spectrum, necessary for the execution of a new multispectral monitoring and imaging system called MITS. The MITS project (Multispectral Imaging and Tracking System) launched in 2019 by the US Army, was born in the TReX division of the National Security Technology Accelerator (NSTXL) based in Arlington, Virginia.
Specifically, Officina Stellare optical systems will be used on the Fly-Out and Close-In instruments, to create a system capable of combining the requests for high precision and high accuracy demanded by the American Army.
The control over scheduled times, flexibility, and optimization of the production process, together with risks minimization performed as keys features.
The project represents the new execution of a multi-year program aimed at building the next generation of high speed and direct energy (DE) systems currently under development phase by the US army.