Never was a name more appropriate…
If literally translated “Officina Stellare” means “star workshop”. By this name, we wanted to recall a place where accurate manufacturing is carried out.
Officina Stellare is graphically represented by two of the Pleiades stars sketched by Galileo Galilei in his masterwork, the “Sidereus Nuncius”, published in 1610.
One of those stars was finally visible thanks to Galileo Galilei sensational invention: the telescope. Our logo has a clear reference to the firm’s mission: expanding people’s knowledge of Space and the Universe thanks to more and more advanced scientific instruments.
“Our world. Your Space”: Our passion for science, technology, research and innovation, to shape a better knowledge and awareness of the Space and the Universe we live in.
Since its foundation in 2009, Officina Stellare has been an Italian leading name specialized in the design and manufacture of high-technology optomechanical system instrumentation for the Aerospace, Scientific Research, and Defense-related domains.
Today, Officina Stellare aims to be the global point of reference for the delivery of integrated engineering systems and solutions that may allow individuals to accelerate knowledge of the Earth and the Universe, improve and make connectivity between people and machines safer and enhance the possibilities of defense and protection of sensitive information and data.
To achieve this result, the company aspires to respond to the needs of tomorrow’s ground and space markets, focusing efforts on enhancing quality, scalability, continuous innovation, and improvement of its in-house production, testing and research processes.
Executive Board

Giovanni Dal Lago
(co-funder) Executive Chairman

Carlo Spezzapria

Gino Bucciol
(co-founder) VP CBDO
Board of Directors

Riccardo Gianni
(co-funder) CEO Prodotti Gianni

Fabio Rubeo
CEO Astro Alliance

Corinna Z. Nedden
CEO Ambromobiliare

Emiliano Kargieman
CEO Satellogic

Alessio Grasso
IAF General (On leave)
Dallara A&D Manager

Elias Solinas
Senior Partner Studio AZ
When it all started
Officina Stellare was founded in 2009 by Riccardo Gianni (former OS’ President and member of the Board), Giovanni Dal Lago (Executive Chairman) and Gino Bucciol (Global Business Development Officer). They were later joined by Fabio Rubeo in 2012.
But it all started almost a decade before with a small, smart company called Astrotech, one of the very first online astronomy e-commerce operators for expert amateurs ever. A successful intuition which paved the way to today’s Officina Stellare.
OS is founded by Giovanni Dal Lago, Gino Bucciol and Riccardo Gianni
Contract with NASA (Sofia project)
First launch of OS-manufactured telescopes into orbit
Achievement of TRL-9 standards in high resolution EO
OS goes public on the AIM Market
(now EGM) of Borsa Italiana
Acquisition of Dynamic Optics
(CNR spinoff)
Start of the OS HQ expansion plan
(first Italian Space Factory)
OS Corp is established in
Washington DC
Foundation of ThinkQuantum
(UniPD spin off)
OS and Satellogic sign investment agreement
Space Factory is completed
(tangible inv. of €9,5m over 4 years)
Teaming up is key
The acquisition of the subsidiaries Dynamic Optics Srl and ThinkQuantum Srl, respectively offering innovative Adaptive Optics solutions with deformable optical components and wavefront sensing components, ultra-high reflectivity deformable mirrors and solutions for optical metrology, and, the second, operating in the strategic sectors of cybersecurity and quantum-based encrypted communications, have contributed to expanding the Group business lines towards Laser Communication and Cybersecurity.

Deformable Optical components, wavefront sensing components, Optical metrology solutions, ultra-high reflectivity deformable mirrors.

Quantum-based encrypted communications, laser communications and cybersecurity applications, ground and space applications.
OS Corporation
OS has also established Officina Stellare Corp., based in Virginia, USA, a significant milestone to consolidate its presence in the U.S. Defense and Space market.

In order to facilitate the development of all the enabling technologies that are functional to achieving a leadership position in the reference sectors, as well as expanding the business lines into other synergistic value-added areas, Officina Stellare manages, in collaboration with Galileo Visionary District, ESA BIC Padua, one of the Italian ESABICnodes, the Business Incubator Centers of the European Space Agency (ESA).

Your journey, with OS
The most complete ground and space value chain at your service
Vertical integration
Precise, state of the art designing, manufacturing, integration, and testing activities are performed in-house with granular accuracy. Thanks to an exceptional opto-mechanical asset availability, the entire value chain is kept in-house with minimum risk and cost-effectiveness for customers.
The efficiency improvements driven by the rollout of the “Space Factory”, make OS stand out as an excellence of strategic importance on the international scene; a key enabler for major players both in Ground and Space segments.
Project Design
Dedicated engineering and management teams at OS, will work closely with you to assess the feasibility and design the optimum solution for your project mission either it be an optical payload, an opto-mechanical component or a ground station for very different ground or space applications.
With a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility located in Sarcedo – Italy, OS manufactures research grade complex opto-mechanical systems for earth and space applications entirely in-house. Built to range from constellation scale to custom one-off mission systems, OS facilities are certified ISO 9001, ISO 27001 and ISO 9100 and are equipped with the most advanced tools and machines to deliver from Optical Ground Stations for Laser Communication, QKD or SSA/SST to Opto-mechanical systems for Astronomy & Research.
Integration, Testing and Validation
Our products span from Lasercom, Quantum and Laser Ranging Optical Ground Stations to Imaging space payloads:
Officina Stellare owns the in-house capability for executing the full development cycle of custom and series Optical Systems:
- the development, the update and use of design and analysis models and simulation
- the engineering, manufacturing, integration, verification, and validation
- configuration control, management of anomalies, non-conformities, and deviations
- maintenance of the hardware, software, and procedures/manuals
Officina Stellare exclusive and integrated in-house Manufacturing, Testing and Validation Capabilities/Plant unfolds in:
- in-house manufacturing and validation capability allows to manufacture optical components and systems up to 1600 mm diameter
- over 260 m² ISO7 and ISO5 clean rooms for integration of contamination sensitive equipment
- the OGS-Lab allows the verification and testing of optical ground station (sub-) systems and functionalities
- industrial qualification facilities equipped with pull test machine, thermal vacuum chamber and vibration shaker.
Environmental, social, and governance (ESG)
is a topic stakeholders increasingly demand accountability of, making it central in modern business. It covers a company’s commitment to sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical governance.
From having oversight of the value chain to better manage risks, maximize efficiencies, and reduce environmental impacts, to promoting diversity and inclusion, to ensuring a transparent governance, we adopt ESG principles and try to meet our people expectations.
Sustainable product innovation
Officina Stellare already has some initiatives in place to foster product innovation, reduce the environmental footprint of its operations, and sustain employee engagement. As the companyʼs operations are concentrated in one location, the company has oversight of most of its value chain and has already taken concrete measures to maximize energy efficiency, guarantee product safety, and safely manage hazardous waste. Based on the materiality matrix, stakeholder mapping, and peer landscape analysis, the following issues have been identified as some of the key ESG issues for OS.
Responsible sourcing
Officina Stellare’s sustainability strategies span over the full spectrum of ESG priorities; from protecting the Space Environment by complying with international standards, to bringing innovative products to market to help scale the infrastructure for sustainable development, to advancing rigorous safety and quality controls throughout design and manufacturing processes, Officina Stellare aims to strengthen its protocols to ensure strategic and responsible sourcing as well as fostering positive company culture to attract top talents and increase employee retention.
Employee engagement
Creating an engaged and talented workforce.
In todayʼs competitive work environment, we often face a war for talent. Attracting (and retaining) highly-skilled employees is becoming increasingly difficult. For this reason Officina Stellare is actively working to strengthening its company culture and formalizing an employee acquisition and engagement strategy, so to successfully build a strong talent pipeline and increase its competitiveness on the market.
For this reason Officina Stellare has launched the “OS Academy” project to support Industrial doctorates and higher education courses in collaboration with Italian Universities and Research Centres. Furthermore, since the beginning of 2024 Officina Stellare manages the ESABIC Padua – Business Incubator Centre of the European Space Agency – to support innovative start-ups with a space connection.

Help us shape a better future.
Apply for open positions or let us know how you would contribute torch new horizons.